Horny Wombat Brewery Microbrewery

Venue Description

Horny Wombat Brewery
Horny Wombat Brewery is a craft beer micro-brewery located in Redcliffe, Queensland. Only the best, carefully selected natural ingredients are used in our commercial brewery to produce the tastiest beers around. The brewery produces small batch brews that are created and watched carefully throughout the fermentation process and then tended and cared for during the maturation process until ready for you to select and take home. We are preservative and pasturised free. We have a large range of core beers for you to choose from or you can select a speciality brew from over 100 beers on offer for you to drink. Come in, bottle your selected beer, let us fill your take home keg for you, or choose a mix of 6 pack and carton bottles for you to enjoy. At present we don't have a tap room and we don't serve beer from a tap for purchase but you can come in, select our beer, in bottles from the fridge and enjoy.
Growler Fills
Take Away Licence
19l Kornie Keg Refills
Keg Hire
C02 Refill
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