Eyes Open Ride Auction Day

Hi all If you are looking for something to do over the June long weekend, please do come out and join me at the Woolshed Brewery on Sunday 11 June from 12pm. I will be home from my 18,000km motorbike ride around Australia and will be having a final fundraiser for the Children's Cancer Foundation. Will be business as usual at the Brewery with great music and brews flowing, there will be just be a few additions to help my fundraising efforts, including collection tins around the place, as well as a silent auction (people who can’t make the day please do keep reading, you will be able to bid online if you are not there!). *** HOW THE AUCTION WORKS *** I am currently collecting from local businesses (well from wherever really) so please do contact me if you or your business would like to donate an item and I have not already been in contact (you don’t need to be a local business, anyone in my network is welcome to donate an item and we can organise delivery separately!). The process will be as follows: 1. Each item (with its recommended retail value) will be listed/displayed (where possible) at the Brewery 2. You will be able to write your name, contact details, and offer down at each item station 3. You may keep increasing your offer if someone beats your offer throughout the day 4. At 4:30pm the Auction will be closed and the successful bidder of each item will be announced 5. Payment must be received before the item can be collected (either on the day or by 5pm on Tuesday 13 June) 6. If payment is not made by 5pm Tuesday 13 June the person with the second highest offer on the list will be contacted etc. *** ONLINE BIDDING *** You may start making offers online before the day! I know some of you may not be able to make it on the day and may like to bid on some of the items. The item list will be uploaded to the Eyes Open Ride page and to this event page a few days before auction day. Unfortunately, there is no phone reception out at the Brewery (I’m from the country guys…) but I will be able to track online bidding on the day and update the physical auction sheets at the Brewery as offers come in. I will also update the online listings with the physical bids being made at the Brewery (exhausting right, stay with me…). Online offers will then close at 3:30pm on the day of the auction. While this unfortunately means that those of you not there on the day may get pipped at the post by those there in person, I do encourage those of you who can’t make it to participate and bid on items and get involved, you never know if your offer may be the highest one! As we can’t process payment online at the Brewery, please only bid if you are willing to pay, it is for charity and will be a hassle if you have buyer’s remorse the next day and do not make payment, so please spend carefully (but generously of course…). If I have not explained this well/you have any questions, flick me a message. *** ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE Children's Cancer Foundation *** If any of you have been to a silent auction before, you will know that it is a great opportunity to get something tangible for your donation, and often at a great price. So please, come join me on 11 June for a great day at the Brewery and get involved in the auction. As mentioned, I will finalise a list of items 3 to 4 days out and post them online so you can take a look and see if any of them interest you! If you can’t make it and still want to donate to the Children's Cancer Foundation in support of my ride, please visit: https://childrenscancerfoundation.secure.force.com/CICD__Fundraise?id=7016F000001leDn Best James