Powerline Sneakers final full band w/Stiff Richards & Ute Root

Comprising John Nolan (Powder Monkeys), Sly Faulkner (Splatterheads), Katie Dixon (Ripe) and Mark Hurst (Guttersnipes), Powerline Sneakers are a veritable supergroup of 90s Aussie grunge rock. After releasing their acclaimed debut album to top mark reviews in The Age/SMH, Beat, i-94 Bar, Rock & Roll Army (Spain), Ox-fanzine (Germany) and more, Powerline Sneakers have taken this record for a run in front of live audiences to thunderous applause. For this year’s Leaps & Bounds Festival, they reprise their Melbourne launch show with a full band performance of this album at legendary Fitzroy venue, The Old Bar. With a European vinyl release on the cards, this will be a rare opportunity to experience these seasoned musicians in a perfect fit band. Do yourself a favour and experience Powerline Sneakers’ full album sound live. Special guests on the night are STIFF RICHARDS + UTE ROOT. Last time to catch the Sneakers for ages, not to be missed.